About the Author
Alison Colwell spends her time creating imaginary worlds, crafting memoir from fairy tales and learning how to blur the lines between creative non-fiction and fiction.
Alison Colwell graduated from the BFA program at the University of Victoria in 2002 and is now the Executive Director of the Galiano Club & Community Food Program, a charity with one of its goals being increasing food security on Galiano Island.
Her fiction can be found in Daily Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Magazine, The Drabble, Tangled Locks Journal and is forthcoming in Silver Blade Magazine.
Her creative non-fiction work can be found in the climate-change anthology Rising Tides published by Caitlin Press, also in Folklife Magazine, The Fieldstone Review and The Drabble.
When not writing she can be found teaching kindergarten kids how to bake bread, or grown-ups how to cook stinging nettles, or caring for her two teens, three cats and one old dog.